WP Nordic - Cookie Care

Ensure that your website complies with the necessary data protection standards. Simplify and enhance your cookie management with our efficient plugin

Here’s how it works:

Introducing Cookie Care—an great solution for cookie compliance. Easily insert tracking scripts,
provide essential cookie info, hit save, and voilà—your website is regulation-ready!

Customize Cookies

Tailor cookie settings to your needs. Allow users to choose which to block or allow, ensuring a perfect balance between user experience and data protection.

Easy Setup

Install and activate the plugin with a few clicks. No technical expertise required, making it perfect for all WordPress users.

User Consent

Collect user permissions seamlessly. Our intuitive interface encourages users to make informed decisions regarding their data.

Enhance Web Protection with Cookie Care

Stay ahead in today’s digital landscape by customizing messages and managing cookies that harmonize with your brand’s voice and vision.

Beyond mere compliance, our plugin offers a user-friendly interface that caters to both newcomers and WordPress veterans. Dive deep into features that ensure both robust protection and operational simplicity, all while mirroring your brand’s ethos.

Affordable Pricing

Work management platform teams use to stay focused on the goals, projects, and daily tasks that grow business



Per website – Per month



Per website – Per month



Per website – Per month


Here at WP Nordic, we regularly update our plugins for better performance and user experience. Check this section to stay informed on the latest enhancements, new features, and bug fixes for our diverse plugin offerings.

Version 8.2.0 basic / 9.2.0 premium


  • Imporvement – now the scanner can also handle shops hidden behind login. You just have to set the Login url setting to the url of your login screen.
  • Changed tooltip to active/deactive on click instead of mouse enter and mouse leave


  • Bug fix – Instead of trying to query all WooCommerce products, Cookie Care now only queries a handfull.


  • Bug fix – Reopening the cookie popup would break scrolling on the page.
  • Added option to send css class with the request body to cookie scanner, used so the scanner can interact with popup that block the cookie popup


  • Introduced a cookie scanner for easier plugin setup.
  • Integrated a cookie database API to streamline retrieving cookie information.
  • Added a shortcode for generating a cookie declaration. The declaration uses data from the scanner and database API. A scan is required to populate the table.
  • Enhanced user prompts to create a smoother and more intuitive workflow.


  • Added events for consent handling in Google Tag Manager.


  • Fixing a PHP warning when configuring settings for Google services.


  • Fixed missing include of wp-admin/includes/plugin.php before is_plugin_active function is avaiable.


  • Added support for PixelYourSite – only thing you need to do is to go to PixelYourSite Consent Settings and enable the ajax setting.
  • Added enhanced tracking for WooCommerce – to enable either insert GTM or GA tracking ID.


  • Fixed a problem with license keys on domain mapped websites.


Cookie Care Basic:

  • Multisites are no longer supported.

Cookie Care Pro:

  • Multisite features has been rewritten. 
    • Scripts can now be inserted in both network admin and on each individual site.
    • Integration, About Cookies and Cookie Details settings has been set up so the network admin can be used as callback for each indivudial sites settings.


  • A problem with the link to reopen the cookie popup has been fixed.


  • Added notices that Cookie Care Basic will no longer be avaiable on multisites.
  • Cookie Care Basic now only checks for updates when not on multisites.


  • Added a add_option hook for the license key to be properly set, when the initial value is empty.


  • Fixed a problem causing the main site of a multisite to not be valid.
  • Fixed a problem with the cookie expiry not being set properly, and then defaulting to a session cookie instead.


  • Optimized process of fetching scripts from options and evaluating consent choise.
    • Removed the ajax call, and added a custom REST API route.
    • Caching the returned value of the REST route, to minimize the fetch calls.
  • Fixed problems with the tracking codes not being inserted correctly on subdirectory multisites.


  • Updated the CookieCare logo on the front end.
  • Updated the colors of toggles and buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where the caching plugins would cache the state of a toggle (checked or unchecked) and therefore might not display the correct state in the popup.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when inserting self-closing scripts or scripts containing self-closing child elements.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the gtag function from setting and sending data correctly.


  • Added Facebook/Meta Pixel as integration option, that can be activated by inserting the Pixel ID.
    • The Meta Pixel is GDPR compliant and will only send data with Marketing consent accepted.
  • Fixed a problem with the Integration settings not saving on multisites.


  • Improved handling of saved HTML in textboxes on Cookie Care Scripts page.


  • Removed commas causing critical errors on sites with older PHP versions.
  • Fixed a problem where no scripts where added if all cookies was accepted.


  • Implemented Google Consent Mode v2
  • Added integrations page
    • Added integrations for Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager making it possible to integrate either by just adding their respective ID. 
    • Moved Matomo integration to the new page aswell.
  • Added new toggle and script area for functional cookies/scripts
  • Added a new icon for Cookie Care in the WordPress admin menu
  • Fixed a problem where cron job would fail due to $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] not existing.
  • Added support for lenis scrolling library 
    • Guide: https://cookiecare.io/integrating-cookie-care-with-lenis-for-smooth-scrolling


  • Updated toggle styling, to also work with older safari versions.


  • Resolved compatibility issues with older browsers by replacing the dialog element with a div element.
  • Updated the linear-gradient background to a more compatible format, as the previous use of the transparent keyword was not supported in Safari versions prior to 15.4.


  • The cookie-care-consent cookie has been modified, changing it from a session cookie, to one with a 365 day expiry date. The expiration date will be updated upon page reloads or when the user makes a new consent choice.


  • Resolved an issue that resulted in a critical error when users on a single site visited /wp-admin/network.


  • Fixed a problem causing the main site in a multisite setup to not validate the plugin.
  • Fixed a problem where the network administrator could not change the plugin language.
  • Resolved a problem that was casuing the license field to be invisible for multisite setups.


  • Fixed an issue, where the domain used when checking the license would differ from backend to frontend. 


  • Resolved data sending issues that were causing problems with plugin validity.
  • Replaced license key admin notice with icons in the license key input field.
  • Adjusted execution order of certain plugin files to address data handling issues.
  • Fixed issues hindering data exchange with the info.php file in specific scenarios. 


  • Fixed link for update cookies list on Cookie Details page.
  • Made adjustments for logo styling, to make sure logos has more similar sizes.
  • Implemented logic for handling multisites using domain mapping, where settings are moved to each subsite.

Cookie Care

  • Fixed a problem where the details section on frontend did not get adjusted height.

Cookie Care Pro

  • Fixed a problem on multisites where a number of settings did not get saved.
  • Fixed some notices being wrongly hidden


  • Fixes a problem where the cookie popup is shown on each page reload.
  • Fixes a problem where the license key settings was not shown, if the plugin is not valid.
  • Fixes a problem where the correct consent button was not shown due to problems with the logic.
  • Fixes a issue occurring when trying to add self closing elements to the scripts boxes, i.e. a meta tag.


Cookie Care Pro

  • Fixed the link on the cookie care logo.
  • Fixed a problem where the wrong options for the scripts where being used, causing no scripts to be added on consent.


  • Added support for subdirectory multisites by using get_site_option/update_site_option instead of get_option/update_option.
    • Also added a new option, that is only visible if the site is multisite and should only be checked if the multisite is setup as domain mapping.
  • Fixed a problem where the settings fields where not shown on the settings pages.
  • Updated the text about cookie consent.
  • Redid responsive design.


  • Refactored code related to the plugin validity check.
  • Changed wp_localize_script to wp_add_inline_script since this is the new recommended standard when not using it for lozalization.


  • Implemented new design for the cookie window
    • Buttons, toggles and navigation got updated colors.
    • Text sizes has changed
    • Cookie Care’s new logo has replaced WP Nordic logo.
    • Layout of buttons and on details tab has changed slightly.
    • A fade effect at the bottom of text elements has been added. This effect is only active when the element can be vertically scrolled, or when not scrolled to the bottom.
  • When on details tab the height of the cookie window is adjusted to minimize the amount of scroll.
  • Cookie consent choise has been adjusted
    • User now has to activly selected marketing and analytics.
    • When a toggle (other than necessary) is selected, the ‘Only essentials’ button is replaced by ‘Accept selected’ button. 
    • Accept all button has been added, and is always visible.


  • Fixed styling not being reset causing layout problems on some sites.


  • Fixed a PHP syntax error on plugin activation.


  • This version is only for premium
  • WordPress settings got updated to include pro in the settings name
  • Plugin name and plugin slug has been updated to Cookie Care Pro and wpnordic-cookie-care-pro
  • A new subpage called Customize has been added.
    • On this page a settings field has been added to write custom CSS.
    • When saved the input is saved in wordpress settings.
  • Using the wp_add_inline_style function and the wp_enqueue_scripts action the custom css is automatically used. 
    • Be aware that if you are using a caching plugin, you might need to clear cache before the changes are visible.


  • On activation the plugin created a WordPress error saying ‘The plugin generated 1 character of unexpected output during activation’, this was caused by a white space and has been fixed.
  • The admin notice informing the user that the plugin is not valid, could in some situations be created multiple times, this has been fixed by changing from using the admin_init to using the admin_notices hook.
  • Some text was not properly translated, this has been fixed.


  • Fixed a problem with translations.



  • Added possibility to insert script in body element.
  • Adjusted the max limited pages for free version.
  • Added option to manually select language.


  • Made button styling more specific to make sure it is not overwritten.


  • Changed handling of max allowed pages and posts.


  • Links to cookie banner is removed if the plugin is not  valid.


  • Changed the admin notices to use add_settings_error.
  • Removed every admin notice not originating from the plugin.


  • Changed layout of menu.
  • Changed layout of buttons.


  • Logo in cookie banner has been changed.
  • Height of cookie modal is now adapting to the content.


  • Fixed height of cookie banner on Safari browsers.


  • Adjusted the size of the cookie banner.
  • Adjusted the padding of the cookie banner.


  • Minor bug fixes caused by the rename.
  • Added some more danish translations.
  • Fixed a problem with license key validation.


  • Renamed plugin to Cookie Care


  • Fixed a problem with the script inserting code causing errors if no scritps are setup from the plugin


  • New logo on frontend
  • Navigation tabs has been changed to black

  • Font size has been slightly reduced

  • Added a counter to show number of cookies for each category

  • Removed cookie description from frontend if empty

  • Made slight styling changes to the cookie box in the details view

  • Fixed content being cut off on lower devices


  • Now pre-existing attributes (e.g. id, class, async etc) on elements originating from the textarea, are preserved.


  • Fixed cookies not being deleted if user accepts all and then only necessary
  • Compressed csv file to gzip and sure scripts are defered to help page load.
  • Make link text copyable and added an icon to help users.
  • Fixed styling for landscape devices below 550px height.


  • Lineheight for text in the cookie banner has been adjusted
  • The font has been specified better, so webpage settings does not affect the font of the plugin.


  • Updated danish translation to also include the new user prompt text.


  • Updated some admin notices
  • Created a custom notice to move Add link(s) to reopen the Cookie Banner to the bottom of the page.


  • Added user prompts for licens key when plugin is activated
  • Added instructions for each page, e.g. how to find your license, how to update cookie infomation etc.


  • Fixed customer logo size in the cookie banner
  • Fixed issue causing some functionality to not work correctly


  • Fixed cookie banner not closing on button press


  • Adjusted the colors of active ‘menu’ and disabled checkbox.


  • Chaged styling of active ‘menu’ and default checked checkbox
  • Changed styling for the two consent buttons
  • Implemented a license key check to disable updates for customers who do not have a valid license key.


  • Adjusted size of new logo, to match logo size of our other plugins


  • Added nonce to ajax functions
  • Replaced old wpnordic logo


  • Fixed a problem with the height for Safari.


  • Fixed a problem where some cookies where not deleted properly.


  • Cookie deletion is now functioning correctly.
  • Improved cookie information retrieval by fetching from the cookie database
  • Dynamically inserted scripts (added by the tracking script in the plugin options) remain active until the user reloads the page.
    • The tracking script won’t track the user if the cookies are absent.


  • Fixed a problem when adding HTML comments inside the textareas for scripts
  • Fixed a problem where HTML elements end tags was not added back after being spilt into an array. This could have potentially caused issues in the future.
  • Removed some options for link styling since they where no longer used.
  • Refactored the code to set consent checkboxes to the correct value
  • Changed the auto generated id for elements to a data attribute since some scripts has their own id.
  • Removed the hash link to cookie banner from the url, but still preserving both the url path and any existing hash links.


  • Removed the shortcode to create modal link, an instead changed the logic to handle a hash link.


  • Added default cookie text, and added the danish translation for it as well.


  • Cookie scripts are now dynamically added and removed without requiring a page reload.
  • Resolved an issue where the ‘Details’ view was displaying at only a third of its intended size.


  • The approach to managing user consent has been switched from using cookies to employing PHP Sessions, addressing a set of problems.


  • Resolved an issue where the plugin’s constant update listening was causing slow site performance.
  • Configured the plugin to support tracking plugins and specifically integrated support for the Matomo WordPress plugin.
  • Fixed a problem with some settings not being saved.


  • Cookie information for the site’s cookies is now accessible on the submenu page named ‘Cookie Details,’ providing users with better insight into the cookies they are consenting to. To ensure functionality even without additional information, visit the submenu page and click on ‘Save Changes’.
  • ncorporated the ability to update the list of displayed cookies on the ‘Cookie Details’ page.


  • Adjusted the initial cookie consent value to resolve an issue where the cookie modal wasn’t appearing before users had made a consent choice.
  • Implemented a page reload when users change their consent to remove cookie scripts that are no longer necessary.


  • The ‘necessary’ toggle is now set as default and is always checked.
  • Implemented styling for the toggles.


  • Configured the plugin for translation based on the user’s WordPress language.
  • Translated the plugin text into Danish.


  • The modal only appears when no consent choice has been detected.
  • Incorporated toggles for various cookie categories (necessary, marketing, and analytics).
  • Implemented buttons for accepting selected, accepting all, and rejecting cookies.


  • Resolved the issue of the user consent cookie being reset with every page load.


  • Implemented both main menu and submenu pages for configuring plugin settings.


  • Initital release.
  • Created a simple modal window to make cookie consent.
  • Scripts are added based on user consent.
WP Nordic