Tips & guides

Our latest plugin WooCheck

A new WP Nordic plugin has dropped! We have created a brand new plugin for you. Let us help you add age verification to your eCommerce store and help you comply with the latest regulations from the Danish government. Learn more about how it works in this article.


WP Nordic has officially launched our latest plugin WooCheck. It was created as a response to the legislation from the Danish parliament in order to allow online stores to add a MitID as a part of the shopping process as a age identification method.

On October the 1. all online stores in Denmark that sell tobacco, alcohol, snus or other age restricted products will need to add some form of identification verification process to ensure that the buyer is of age. One of the ways to do this is with MitID, but adding a MitID identification process can be a bit complicated. Luckily for you we have done the work for you.

Our plugin will help you add this identification to your checkout, cart or login process, so you can easily conform to the legislation and help yourself and your customers stay out of trouble. It is made in conjunction with the Danish group ‘Signaturgruppen’ who is behind MitID.


How does our plugin work?

Our plugin is made for WordPress sites and will allow you to add a MitID verification to your WooCommerce store, so that you can legally verify your customers ages.

  • The plugin will include many features such as:
    1-click installation: This will allow you to simply install the plugin with one click
  • MitID integration: You will seamlessly get access to MitID and all of its features without you having to do any work – other than install the plugin.
  • 3 different verification possibilities: You can put the verification process many different places on your site. At the login process, at the cart or at checkout. Allowing you to customize your store to your needs.
  • Integration through Signaturgruppen: The plugin is made and verified by the group behind MitID. Ensuring that your site will be covered in every way it needs to be.
  • Unlimited transactions: You can have as many transactions as you could possibly want, so there is no need to limit your sales any time soon.
  • User-friendly setup: The setup process for this plugin is very simple and we will be more than happy to help you set it up, so that you are guaranteed to comply with all legal requirements.


If you own or run a store that sells some kind of alcohol and tobacco, then this might just be the solution for you. With our plugin there is no need to limit sales or give up on your online shop.

So, if you have a WordPress site – or if you don’t – then be sure to reach out to us for a little help to make sure that you comply with the regulations.

WP Nordic